Creating a Sprint in Jira

Written By Michael  |  Jira  |  0 Comments

Struggling to manage your team’s workload effectively? A sprint in Jira could be the solution. This blog will guide you through each step of setting up a sprint, ensuring your Agile project runs smoothly from start to finish.

Read on and master the art of sprints!

Key Takeaways

A group of business people working together in an office.
  • Sprints in Jira are set time periods for teams to complete work and they usually range from one to four weeks, helping break down complex tasks into achievable goals.
  • To create a sprint in Jira, go to your project backlog, select ‘Create sprint’, name it, set a start date, and add tasks before tracking progress.
  • Using sprints leads to better focus, increased productivity, and allows regular feedback as teams can adjust their approach through constant reviews after each sprint cycle.
  • Advanced features in Jira such as global sprints support cross – team collaboration while automation aids in efficient task management by reducing manual processes.
  • Capacity management tools within Jira help balance team workload during sprint planning ensuring resources are optimally allocated for successful project outcomes.

Understanding Sprints in Jira

A sprint in Jira is a time-boxed period during which work is completed and made ready for review. It is used to manage tasks within Agile project management, particularly in the Scrum methodology, and offers numerous benefits for teams working on projects.

What is a sprint?

In Agile project management and the Scrum framework, a sprint is like a race where teams have a set amount of time to complete tasks. Typically lasting from one to four weeks, each sprint focuses on creating chunks of work that can be delivered quickly for feedback or release.

The goal is to break down complex projects into manageable pieces with clear targets and deadlines, driving productivity and progress.

During these sprints, the development team selects items from the product backlog they believe they can finish within the timeframe. Sprint planning kicks things off; this includes defining what can be delivered in the sprint and how that will be achieved.

Afterward comes execution – transforming user stories into working software features. Once completed, there’s a sprint review to showcase new work before reflecting on successes and improvements during the sprint retrospective.

How is it used in Jira?

To implement a sprint in Jira, individuals navigate to the Backlog section of their designated Scrum project and proceed by clicking on the ‘Create sprint’ button. To commence a sprint in company-managed projects, users must access the project’s sidebar and select the preferred sprint.

From there, they update essential details such as the Sprint name, Start date, and End date. Upon finalising these steps, teams can effectively kickstart their scrum sprints within Jira software to deliver tangible outcomes.

Moreover, Jira Software Cloud equips teams with advanced capabilities for planning and executing scrum sprints efficiently. Users can also explore additional functionalities like multiple sprints that are beneficial for Agile development scenarios while leveraging the tool’s comprehensive Sprint backlog management features.

Benefits of using sprints

Once a sprint is created in Jira, teams can benefit from increased focus, improved productivity, and better collaboration. By breaking down the work into manageable chunks and setting short time frames for delivery, sprints promote a sense of urgency and drive team members to stay on track.

This approach also allows for regular feedback and course correction, leading to faster iteration cycles and continuous improvement. Additionally, using sprints in Jira enables better visibility into project progress, fosters transparency within the team, and ultimately helps deliver valuable increments of work at a consistent pace.

Incorporating sprints also encourages adaptive planning as well as quick responses to change through regular retrospective meetings. The iterative nature of sprints allows for flexibility in adapting priorities based on evolving business needs or customer requirements.

Steps to Create a Sprint in Jira

To create a sprint in Jira, you can access your project and navigate to the backlog. From there, you can easily click on “Create sprint,” name the sprint, set a start date, and add issues to it.

Access your project

To access your project in Jira, locate the Project sidebar and select either a company-managed or team-managed project. If you are using a Scrum board, navigate to the Backlog section where you can click on “Create sprint” to initiate a new sprint.

After naming the sprint and setting its start date, add relevant issues to it before finalising the process. For company-managed projects, start sprints by updating its name, start date, and end date; this will allow for an organised workflow management.

Once your project is accessed in Jira, move forward with navigating the Backlog or Board according to your specific requirements.

Navigate to the Backlog

To access the backlog, first ensure you are in your Jira project. Once there, find and select the option labelled “Backlog” from the sidebar on the left-hand menu. Upon clicking this section, a list of all unresolved issues will populate for your review.

You can then proceed to prioritise these items based on urgency or importance before creating a new sprint.

Click on “Create sprint”

Access your project and navigate to the Backlog section in Jira. Locate the “Create sprint” button at the top of the backlog and click on it to start a new sprint. Name the sprint, set a start date, and add issues to get started effectively managing your team’s work.

Now let’s explore “Advanced Features for Managing Sprints.”

Name the sprint and set a start date

After clicking on “Create sprint,” the next step is to name the sprint and set a start date. This helps in clearly defining the scope and timeline for the upcoming work cycle. Assigning a descriptive name to the sprint and specifying a start date ensures that team members understand what tasks will be included and when they’re expected to begin, facilitating effective planning and coordination.

Add issues to the sprint

Begin by opening the sprint in Jira and accessing the backlog to view available issues. Then, drag and drop the relevant issues into the sprint or use the ‘Add to sprint’ option for each issue.

Ensure that only tasks prioritised for this specific sprint are included. After adding all necessary issues, review and confirm before starting work on them within the sprint.

Now let’s move on to explore advanced features for managing sprints.

Advanced Features for Managing Sprints

Explore additional advanced features in Jira, such as global sprints, automation for task management, and capacity management for more efficient sprint planning and execution. These features can help streamline the sprint process and improve overall project productivity.

Global sprints

Global sprints in Jira allow for cross-team collaboration and visibility across multiple projects. This feature enables organisations to manage sprints globally, ensuring consistency and alignment of work across different teams and projects.

With global sprints, it becomes easier to track progress, identify dependencies, and allocate resources effectively, promoting a more streamlined and efficient sprint management process.

Moreover, global sprints provide the flexibility to plan and coordinate efforts on a larger scale by encompassing multiple teams or departments within an organisation. This fosters better communication, transparency, and coordination when working on interconnected initiatives or delivering value across various business units.

Leveraging global sprints in Jira empowers businesses to orchestrate complex projects seamlessly while maintaining a holistic view of their sprint activities.

Using automation

To streamline the management of sprints in Jira, automation can be leveraged to increase efficiency and accuracy. By setting up automated triggers for tasks such as sprint creation, issue assignment, and status updates, teams can eliminate repetitive manual work and ensure that important steps are consistently executed.

Automation also enables the team to maintain a standardised process across multiple sprints and projects, ultimately saving time and reducing the risk of errors in sprint management.

Implementing automation in Jira simplifies the workflow by automatically initiating actions based on predefined conditions or events. By utilising this feature, teams can allocate more time to focus on delivering quality work during sprints while minimising administrative overhead associated with managing sprint-related tasks manually.

Managing capacity

To ensure efficient sprint planning, managing capacity is vital for the success of a project. This involves understanding team capabilities and workload to allocate tasks effectively.

By considering individual workloads, teams can optimise their resources and prevent burnout. Tracking capacity allows for better forecasting and ensures that the allocated tasks align with the team’s capabilities, ultimately leading to improved productivity and delivery.

Utilising Jira’s capacity management features enables teams to make informed decisions when assigning tasks within sprints. Teams can set realistic goals based on the available capacity, fostering a more balanced workflow and reducing bottlenecks in development cycles.

Conclusion: Make the Most of Jira Sprints

Maximise the potential of Jira sprints by effectively managing your projects. Utilise advanced features like global sprints and automation to streamline sprint management. Empower your team with efficient sprint planning and execution for successful project delivery.

Stay updated with the latest techniques to create and close multiple sprints in Jira without hassle. Take advantage of the tutorial available to gain a comprehensive understanding of creating a sprint in Jira.


1. What is the first step in creating a sprint in Jira?

In Jira, whether you’re working with company-managed or team-managed projects, the first step to creating a sprint is to set up your board and ensure your ticket management system is ready.

2. Can I rename my sprint after it’s been created on my Kanban board?

Yes, you can update the sprint name at any time during the sprint planning phase before starting it, whether on a Kanban board for company-managed or team-managed projects.

3. How do I start a new sprint in my Jira project?

Once your tickets are organised, simply select ‘Start Sprint’ on your Kanban board for both company- and team-managed projects to kick off a new phase of work.

4. Is closing a sprint different between company-managed and team-managed projects in Jira?

Closing a sprint process remains consistent across both types of projects; when completed go ahead by clicking ‘Close Sprint’ on your Kanban board.

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